Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Wow, it's been WAY too long since I last posted. I'm gonna post some photos just to get sort-of caught this post bottom to top.

To start off August, we celebrated Kate's 28th Birthday at the Melting Pot. So fun!

One of my dear friends, Alisa, got married on the last day of July! Kate, Maren and I made a trip down to Cedar Rapids to see her get hitched.

Darin & Jonny rode in Ragbrai, so Maren, RiAnna and I took a quick road trip down to Clear Lake, IA to visit them mid-week.

At the end of July we had a Prom-themed bowling night at Mady's.
We also went to the St. Paul Farmer's market with Casey & Lacey & their two girls. Pippa had a little puke incident so Doug was entertaining Olive with the camera while she got cleaned up.
Doug and I got to babysit Ian for a day, that was a lot of fun! Even got to change a poopy diaper.

In July we celebrated Jen's 29th Birthday at Chino Latino in Minneapolis. Yum!

Maren and I also participated in the EG craft fair in Iowa. We sold our handmade jewelry!

In June, Emily Steffen photographed our jewelry so we could have some promotional photos.

In May, Maren started up "Jogger's Photography" group, inspired by Zooey Deschanel's character in Yes Man. Photo is from the first run/meeting.

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