Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I got bored with updating my unemployment days. I've basically been doing a lot of networking, freelancing, and reconnecting with people. I love being able to plan my days according to how I'm feeling. For the most part I've been using my days productively, but have also been meeting with friends and aquaintences as well.

According to the Minnesota Workers Orientation that I attended on Monday, networking is how 80% of people find jobs. Only 10% find jobs through mega job sites like Monster.com, etc. So, I don't feel so bad that I'm intermitently meeting friends for coffee or dinner to chat. I'm getting ahead, and it has actually led me to a few freelance jobs, no matter how big or small the gig.

So, if you know of anyone who needs any sort of design done, give them my info, please.

On another note, I need to be more disciplined with other things than just finding a job and doing freelance. I would like to spend time in the word, as well as exercise regularly and eat healthier. Those things take more discipline and are easier for me to excuse from my regular routine.

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