Friday, May 11, 2007

Forgive me if my posts are too direct and not very eloquent. I don't consider myself a very good writer. God's been teaching me about Faith, lately. I used to think I had alot of faith, I'm a pretty positive, optimistic person which is probably due to favorable circumstances in life, and a belief in a God that takes care of his people.

More recently I've been reading that E.M. Bounds book on the topic of prayer. I'm sure the title involves the word prayer, but i can't recall it at this moment. I've been learning about having faith and being fervent when talking to God. We have to mean what we pray and we have to have faith that God will answer. I was encouraged by a story from a friend at church. He had been diagnosed with lymphoma and three days later all evidence of it was completely gone. The cure was prayer. He had his church family and friends praying for him for those three days and when he went back to the doctor he was normal. God had healed him because he had faith, and so did those praying for him. Very powerful. On monday I found out that my coworker had been told by her doctor that she has cancer. When i prayed for her I understood what it meant to have faith and to pray fervently for something. I have faith that God will answer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

how come you stopped blogging?