Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Wow, it's been WAY too long since I last posted. I'm gonna post some photos just to get sort-of caught this post bottom to top.

To start off August, we celebrated Kate's 28th Birthday at the Melting Pot. So fun!

One of my dear friends, Alisa, got married on the last day of July! Kate, Maren and I made a trip down to Cedar Rapids to see her get hitched.

Darin & Jonny rode in Ragbrai, so Maren, RiAnna and I took a quick road trip down to Clear Lake, IA to visit them mid-week.

At the end of July we had a Prom-themed bowling night at Mady's.
We also went to the St. Paul Farmer's market with Casey & Lacey & their two girls. Pippa had a little puke incident so Doug was entertaining Olive with the camera while she got cleaned up.
Doug and I got to babysit Ian for a day, that was a lot of fun! Even got to change a poopy diaper.

In July we celebrated Jen's 29th Birthday at Chino Latino in Minneapolis. Yum!

Maren and I also participated in the EG craft fair in Iowa. We sold our handmade jewelry!

In June, Emily Steffen photographed our jewelry so we could have some promotional photos.

In May, Maren started up "Jogger's Photography" group, inspired by Zooey Deschanel's character in Yes Man. Photo is from the first run/meeting.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


For the past couple of weeks Doug and I have been busy looking at new places to rent. We aren't happy at our current place, and are just ready for something new and fresh. We started looking in the NE Mpls area, but soon found that we couldn't afford any of the houses, and they don't have much for apartments.

So, we started looking in St. Paul, and that is where we found a nice 2-bedroom apartment that is spacious and even has hardwood floors (which I really wanted!). We will be moving at the beginning of May since the place was available and we wanted to secure our spot as tenants.

We signed our 13-mo lease yesterday, and in celebration, went to eat lunch at Porky's in St. Paul. It is one of Doug's favorite burger places. Here are some photos from our date.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Zooey Song & Video.

If posts about Zooey seem frequent on here, it's because I adore her. Who doesn't? She gots an amazing voice, good looks, great style and she's got the dance moves as well. Oh, and she can act. Very talented lady.

Check out her new video "In the Sun" here. It's super-cute-old-school. And could I find out where she got her blouse please.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Well folks, I got to cross another thing off my new year's list. Rollerderby. Nikki and Tony came up to MN for the weekend and we went to the rollerderby on friday night. It was quite the experience! I would definitely go again.

This photo I nabbed off Flickr.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Alice, Tonight!

I am so excited about seeing Tim Burton's newest film "Alice in Wonderland" tonight with Doug, Rachel & Darren. Just read an interesting interview of Tim & Jonny in Relevant mag, check it out.

Or watch the video.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Emily Steffen, Bethany Hway, and I had a blast styling a wedding blogged about at Style Me Pretty!

Friday, February 19, 2010

My New Year's Goal was to manage & spend my time wisely, so exercise and eating healthy fit right into that goal. I want to be healthier and in shape this year. I've gained a few pounds in the last few years and would love to trim them off again.

The problem for me is consistency. I'm not very good at staying consistent in what I eat or when I exercise. I love pop. Oreo McFlurries. I don't want to get out of bed to exercise, I'd rather sleep another 30 minutes. So, to keep me on track....I joined a free online thingy.

A friend of mine recommended signing up for, so that is what I did this morning. It's a step in the direction of health. And skinny. I'm saying goodbye to being out of breath at the top of the stairs.

This website helps you set goals and track them. It also has meal suggestions and shopping lists, pretty neat. We'll see what happens.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I can already tell that 2010 is going to fabulous. I've been meaning to write this post for almost two months now. The trend is to write goals for the new year, to come up with a resolution to keep for the year. To simplify my goals, I am going to say that this year I want to manage & spend my time wisely.

A lot goes into that. I want my time to be worthwhile. Especially since I am trying to be self-supporting by being a freelance designer. (Of course it helps that my husband has a job, too.) I want to make the most of my time by investing in relationships & friendships, reading and learning more about my faith & God's role in my life, networking, researching, and building my business, as well as working out & becoming a healthy person. I know I am going to be happy if I spend my time wisely.

I want to try new things, go places I've never been, and experience some really neat things. One things on my list is to go to a rollerderby! I also want to check out the gymnastics gym that has adult open gym. I'm excited to get back on those mega trampolines!

Get ready to see some fun stuff on my blog this year!
